My stomach growled in frustration. I pulled at my tight pajama shorts. I snuggled up onto Mike's chest. No we did not have sex if that's what you're thinking. My stomach growled again begging for me to pay attention to it. Then the craving kicked in. Fuck.
Me: Mike are you hungry?
Mike: No it's 2 am.
Me: I'm hungry.
Mike: Sandy wait until breakfast.
Me: I can't!
Mike: What do you want?
Me: Chocolate covered potato chips.
Mike: Have it for breakfast.
Me: Mikeee pleaseeeee.
He fixed his sexy messy bed hair and gave me an adorable smile.
Mike: Sandyyyyy. Hey this game is fun.
Me: Fine.
I stormed out of the room. My stomach growled again.
Me: Shut up!
I picked up my phone off the kitchen counter. I scrolled through my contacts. And then clicked send. Amazingly she answered on the 2nd ring.
Kitty: Sandy what the fuck could you possibly want at 2:15 a.m?!?!
Me: Kitty do you want to get me chocolate covered potato chips?
Kitty: Not exactally.
Me: Please Kitty I'm dying here. I'm proud that I'm even eating.
Kitty: What will you do for me if I run and go get you your food?
Me: I will be your best friend.
Kitty: You're already one of mine try again.
Me: Name anything I'm dying here.
Kitty: You won't drag me to one of those Bulimics Anonymous meetings ever again.
Me: Deal. Kitty come soon.
I thought about Kitty's deal. She was about to call me a bitch when I wanted her to go to all of the meetings with me. But she caught herself because if she did she would put the fuze on the Hormonal Bitch bomb. Because my hormones are so out of control! Last time Kitty called me a bitch I was cursing her out then I started crying. -.- The last time she talked to me about the uhm problem we both have was when she kidnapped me. Now she won't say a word about it. I understand it's a personal subject but you have to talk to people about it. Or you will end up like me last week. -.- Everyone needs someone by their side when their battling something as deathly as an eating disorder. Mike has actually been really supportive because he understands because of his little sister, Jessica. I only dragged her to the meeting a couple of days ago is because bottom line is I'm scared. I hate dealing with this alone. I felt like I was alone. No one understands. I also did it because I love Kitty deeply and I understand what she is going through because I'm going through it too. I yawned and jumped off the bar stool. I looked around the fridge for food before I legit died of hunger. Hair fell into my face as I looked around. It smelled like vomit. Well I did wake up 6 times to puke. I didn't have morning sickness more like night sickness. I found nothing appetizing to my craving. I started stomping my foot in frustration. Kitty came to the door. She held what I was waiting for. I eagerly grabbed it and dove right in. Kitty looked so tired. Sorry Kitty xD.
Kitty: You're a bitch for making me go on an effin food run.
Me: Sorry.
Potato chips fell out of my mouth when I talked with my mouth full. Total turn on. I swallowed my food. I cleared my throat.
Me: I'm sorry for making you go to the retarted meeting. Kitty you're one of the most bravest, most prettiest, most smartest, and don't forget nicest girls I've ever met. I know you hate me for making you go to it. So be preapared to hear one of the rarest times you will hear Sandy...
Kitty: Samantha!
She burst out laughing. And then consoled herself.
Me: Samantha... Sincerly appoligize. Kitty I love you sooo much you're like my sister. So I'm sorry for that. And you don't have to go to anymore meetings. And I think you're beyond decent you're an amazing person. And those are a couple of reasons why I love KitKat Sarah Curtis.
Kitty smiled. She didn't say a word. She reached in for a giant bear hug. She backed away quickly.
Me: Am I a bad hugger or something?
Kitty: One of your babies just kicked me.
Me: They recognize "Aunt Kitty".
Kitty: They better. And Sandy I know I call you a bitch sometimes and I may act like a complete bitch. But I do it with love. And Sandy you're making me feel amazing actually. But you're the one who has lower self-esteem than me!
I blushed knowing it was true.
Kitty: Well Sandy darling as much as I loved our girl convo and the food run. I'm tired and Two-Bit probably didn't even realize I'm gone yet. And I'm tired. So night.
I hugged her and threw away my empty bag of chocolate covered potato chips. I crawled back into bed. Mike turned onto his side and hugged me.
Me: Do you think I'm pretty?
Mike: You're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen in my whole life.
Me: Not the prettiest?
I batted my eyelashes.
Mike: The prettiest.
He kissed me like he never had before. Mike smiled.
Mike: You're breath tastes like chocolate covered potato chips.
Me: Not as good as I excpected.
He laughed and put his arms around me then we eventually fell asleep.
The light shined in. I could hear Hannah and Lexie arguing from downstairs. I groaned. It was 10 am. I heard Danielle arguing how Abby Cadabby is better than Elmo to Lexie. And Adam blasting ESPN. Lovely house eh? I'm Canadian today. xD. Mike was watching Sports Center in my room at the lowest volume careful not to wake me up. The sweetest. I opened my eyes and cuddled on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me. We've only known each other for 3 days but it feels so much longer. That's what happens when you're falling for someone hard core.
Mike: Hey sleepy head.
Me: Hey.
He leaned in for a kiss. A few inches away from each other. I could smell his cologne. Then...
I ran out of my bed covering my mouth careful not to puke anywhere. I ran to the bathroom. I puked my guts out. I heard Mike run over to the bathroom.
Mike: Are you okay?
I started puking more. I moaned. Mike reached into one of the sink drawers and pulled my hair into a ponytail making sure none fell into my way. He stayed right by my side. I finished and wiped my mouth. The room smelled like vomit. Attractive. -.- I started crying.
Mike: What's wrong?
Me: You don't want a pregnant girl! How can you seriously find a fat girl like me attractive?
Mike: Shhh Sandy. I think you're beautiful and I don't care because you're pregnant. You're not fat you're pregnant and you're still hot.
I hugged him as I silently yelled at my pregnant hormones. We went down stairs and ate breakfast. I was showered and dressed and Mike smiled at me as I pranced in.
Me: I gotta go to the meeting.
Mike: Okay I'll wait here. Jessica is already there.
I got my car keys and left. It was pretty damn boring. Why would it be interesting? After it was over I went over to Jessica. Her dirty blonde waves went down to her back. Her twinkling eyes reminded me of Mike. I fixed any wrinkles in my green blouse. And any lint on my black pencil skirt. I fixed my green suede flats and made my approach.
Me: Hi I'm Sandy.
Jessica: I know. Mike talks about you all the time I want to shoot him because of it.
Me: Yeah but he is pretty amazing.
Jessica: Not when you know him like I do.
Me: Yeah but Mike told me about you're mom. And listen I might not understand. But you could come to me with any questions. You know?
Jessica: Uhm thanks that was surprisingly nice from one of Mike's girlfriends.
I stiffened and said a quick goodbye. I threw my keys into the glass bowl in the dining room. I went over to Mike on the couch. We cuddled and then we decided to go on a movie date. We snuck into a movie at the Dingo. I mean really who actually pays these days? We saw Soul Surfer and I was a complete wreck. I don't know if it was my hormones or it was just soo effin sad! I drove him back to his house. We kissed then I drove back to my house. Danielle went to sleep with me. I smiled. I thought about Jessica's and Mike's situation. Their mom walked out on them after their youngest sibling, Lily, was born. Jessica and Lily have no girl to talk to. And Mike is trying to play the dad role because his dad is a workaholic. But I looked on the bright side and thought about my day with Mike then I just thought. Yeah it was a pretty good day.
:) Sandy

Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Feels Great
I pulled my hair into a sloppy ponytail and lazily walked into Danielle's room. She ran out of her Cinderella Carriage bed to greet me. I picked her up and yawned. She pointed at my expanding belly. I sighed. I fixed my Team DJ Pauly D shirt. xD. I fixed my green striped pajama pants and walked into the kitchen. I put Danielle into her booster seat chair thingy. I got out eggs and bacon to start making for everyone. The doorbell rang. I groaned as I shuffled to the door. Mike was standing at the door smiling. His brown hair looking absolutely perfect. He fixed his Nikes.
Me: Hey what are you doing here?
Mike: I wanted to see you. You promised me we would have a date today.
Me: Yeah I know. But I legit just got out of bed a couple of minutes ago.
Mike: You still look hot.
I giggled. He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist. I turned around and stared into his soulful light brown eyes. He leaned in and kissed me. We made out.
Me: Are you hungry?
Mike: Starving.
Me: I was just about to make breakfast.
Mike: I'll wait here.
He sat at the table next to Danielle.
Mike: And is this Danielle?
I cracked an egg into the sizzling pan.
Me: Yes it is. Danielle say hi.
Danielle: Hi.
Man was she quiet.
Mike: She looks just like you. She's beautiful just like you.
Me: Stop I'm fat.
Mike: There's a difference between fat and pregnant.
Me: Whatever.
I finished cooking and set breakfast on the table. I feel like I've known Mike so much longer than just one day. I don't know. We ate our food then Danielle and I took a bath. I got changed as Mike waited in the living room. I pranced out in a black high-waisted skirt, white tanktop, and black and white flipflops. Danielle was taking a nap. I flopped down on the couch.
Me: So what do you want to do today?
Mike: I don't know.
I gave him a flirty wink. I took off my shoes and laid my feet on him.
Mike: Why did you move to Florida before?
Me: Well uhm my parents kicked me out when they found out I was pregnant. I was living with my boyfriend then I found out the baby wasn't his. As soon as I found out I took the first plane to Florida and I lived with grandparents in Boca. A couple of months after the baby was born I was sick and tired of them so I moved to Miami with my friends. But I've always been homesick. So I moved back to Tulsa a couple of months ago.
Mike smiled at me. Boy he is hot. ;). Hannah rubbed her eyes and fixed her boyshorts. She wore green boyshorts and a flimsy camisole. Slut. She ate breakfast and jumped in the shower.
Mike: I want to do anything you want to.
Me: I don't know.
Mike: Well let's go to the park then.
Me: Okay.
I went into Hannah's and Lexie's room as they both did their makeup.
Me: Hey I need one of you to babysit Danielle.
Hannah: I will.
Me: Thanks have so much.
Lexie: Use protection with your gorgeous boyfriend.
Me: I'm already knocked up it's not going to create a 3rd.
Lexie: You don't know.
I threw a pillow at her and left the room.
Mike wrapped his arm around me and we left. We walked to the park. We went by the pond. We held hands. Mike leaned in and kissed me. He put his arms around my neck. He is taller than me. Maybe about 6 ft. Or 6 ft 1. I'm only 5 ft 5. -.- We sat down near the water. He put his arm around me as we sat. I skipped rocks across the water.
Me: A lot of memories here....
Mike tensed.
Mike: Yeah like what?
I laughed in my mind. Cuz I had a couple of hookups here. It was before Soda. But still I can't tell Mike I actually really like him. xD.
Me: I always came here when my parents were fighting. When they were drunk because they abused me. I have scares from them.
He traced his fingers along my scare on my thumb. That I needed stitches for. He held my hand and kissed it.
Mike: How do you feel about them.... Not here anymore?
Me: I uhm words can't really describe it. I'm relieved because they abused all of us. But you feel like something's missing.
Mike: It's okay.
He wiped away the tears silently falling down my cheek.
Me: So which one was your sister?
Mike: The small one with the light brown hair.
I remembered her face. She was actually beautiful dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and her face makes a boy want to take a double look at her.
Me: Hmmm what's her name?
Mike: Jessica.
Me: Pretty.
He held my hand tight. I leaned on his chest.
Mike: Want to have a little fun?
Me: No I will not do a strip tease for you.
I gave him a wink.
Mike: Damn. Since I don't get that want to have a competition?
Me: Like what?
Mike: Who can skip a rock the farthest.
Me: Deal I'm a pro.
Mike: Wait let's make this a little interesting. If I win I get a 20 minute strip tease from you. If you win what do you want?
Me: You have to go shopping with me the whole day.
Mike: Do I get to go in the dressing room to take peaks?
Me: Nope.
I kissed him on his nose. Damn he's perfect. Mike took a rock and skipped it halfway across the lake. Damn I better get my maternity lingerie out. I took a rock and skipped it a couple of feet behind his.
Mike: You better pay up.
Me: Nah ugh uh. Not in public you get a private showing of the one and only Sandy.
Mike: Does this mean I get to spend the night?
Me: What do you think?
We both inched closer. I could smell his Hollister Laguna Beach cologne. We leaned in and our lips met. We made out for about 15 minutes.
Me: What do you think the answer is?
Mike: I take that as a yes.
He kissed me and grabbed my hand.
Mike: Come on I don't want to be late for my strip tease.
I got up and we walked back holding hands. My heart fluttered like a butterfly. I'm falling for him. Hard. And it feels great.
<333 Sandy
Me and Mike in front of my house <3
Me: Hey what are you doing here?
Mike: I wanted to see you. You promised me we would have a date today.
Me: Yeah I know. But I legit just got out of bed a couple of minutes ago.
Mike: You still look hot.
I giggled. He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist. I turned around and stared into his soulful light brown eyes. He leaned in and kissed me. We made out.
Me: Are you hungry?
Mike: Starving.
Me: I was just about to make breakfast.
Mike: I'll wait here.
He sat at the table next to Danielle.
Mike: And is this Danielle?
I cracked an egg into the sizzling pan.
Me: Yes it is. Danielle say hi.
Danielle: Hi.
Man was she quiet.
Mike: She looks just like you. She's beautiful just like you.
Me: Stop I'm fat.
Mike: There's a difference between fat and pregnant.
Me: Whatever.
I finished cooking and set breakfast on the table. I feel like I've known Mike so much longer than just one day. I don't know. We ate our food then Danielle and I took a bath. I got changed as Mike waited in the living room. I pranced out in a black high-waisted skirt, white tanktop, and black and white flipflops. Danielle was taking a nap. I flopped down on the couch.
Me: So what do you want to do today?
Mike: I don't know.
I gave him a flirty wink. I took off my shoes and laid my feet on him.
Mike: Why did you move to Florida before?
Me: Well uhm my parents kicked me out when they found out I was pregnant. I was living with my boyfriend then I found out the baby wasn't his. As soon as I found out I took the first plane to Florida and I lived with grandparents in Boca. A couple of months after the baby was born I was sick and tired of them so I moved to Miami with my friends. But I've always been homesick. So I moved back to Tulsa a couple of months ago.
Mike smiled at me. Boy he is hot. ;). Hannah rubbed her eyes and fixed her boyshorts. She wore green boyshorts and a flimsy camisole. Slut. She ate breakfast and jumped in the shower.
Mike: I want to do anything you want to.
Me: I don't know.
Mike: Well let's go to the park then.
Me: Okay.
I went into Hannah's and Lexie's room as they both did their makeup.
Me: Hey I need one of you to babysit Danielle.
Hannah: I will.
Me: Thanks have so much.
Lexie: Use protection with your gorgeous boyfriend.
Me: I'm already knocked up it's not going to create a 3rd.
Lexie: You don't know.
I threw a pillow at her and left the room.
Mike wrapped his arm around me and we left. We walked to the park. We went by the pond. We held hands. Mike leaned in and kissed me. He put his arms around my neck. He is taller than me. Maybe about 6 ft. Or 6 ft 1. I'm only 5 ft 5. -.- We sat down near the water. He put his arm around me as we sat. I skipped rocks across the water.
Me: A lot of memories here....
Mike tensed.
Mike: Yeah like what?
I laughed in my mind. Cuz I had a couple of hookups here. It was before Soda. But still I can't tell Mike I actually really like him. xD.
Me: I always came here when my parents were fighting. When they were drunk because they abused me. I have scares from them.
He traced his fingers along my scare on my thumb. That I needed stitches for. He held my hand and kissed it.
Mike: How do you feel about them.... Not here anymore?
Me: I uhm words can't really describe it. I'm relieved because they abused all of us. But you feel like something's missing.
Mike: It's okay.
He wiped away the tears silently falling down my cheek.
Me: So which one was your sister?
Mike: The small one with the light brown hair.
I remembered her face. She was actually beautiful dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and her face makes a boy want to take a double look at her.
Me: Hmmm what's her name?
Mike: Jessica.
Me: Pretty.
He held my hand tight. I leaned on his chest.
Mike: Want to have a little fun?
Me: No I will not do a strip tease for you.
I gave him a wink.
Mike: Damn. Since I don't get that want to have a competition?
Me: Like what?
Mike: Who can skip a rock the farthest.
Me: Deal I'm a pro.
Mike: Wait let's make this a little interesting. If I win I get a 20 minute strip tease from you. If you win what do you want?
Me: You have to go shopping with me the whole day.
Mike: Do I get to go in the dressing room to take peaks?
Me: Nope.
I kissed him on his nose. Damn he's perfect. Mike took a rock and skipped it halfway across the lake. Damn I better get my maternity lingerie out. I took a rock and skipped it a couple of feet behind his.
Mike: You better pay up.
Me: Nah ugh uh. Not in public you get a private showing of the one and only Sandy.
Mike: Does this mean I get to spend the night?
Me: What do you think?
We both inched closer. I could smell his Hollister Laguna Beach cologne. We leaned in and our lips met. We made out for about 15 minutes.
Me: What do you think the answer is?
Mike: I take that as a yes.
He kissed me and grabbed my hand.
Mike: Come on I don't want to be late for my strip tease.
I got up and we walked back holding hands. My heart fluttered like a butterfly. I'm falling for him. Hard. And it feels great.
<333 Sandy
Me and Mike in front of my house <3
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Found The Right One
I marched over to Kitty's apartment. My heels making that irritating click-clack sound. Well the pills did it I weigh 125 pounds and still gaining weight. You can defintely see me baby bump. -.- I opened the door to find Two-Bit laying on the couch in nothing but boxers. His hand down his pants and watching Mickey Mouse.
Me: God Two-Bit want to interest in a pair of I don't know pants?
Two-Bit: God Sandy ever heard of knocking?
Me: Nah overrated.
I click-clacked into Kitty's bedroom. I shook Kitty.
Me: Get up.
Kitty groaned.
Me: I said get the fuck up.
I started pulling her out of bed. She grabbed onto the metal posts.
Me: Kitty please.
She groaned. I laid down next to her. I pushed her out of bed.
Kitty: You got me I'm up.
Me: Come on get changed.
Kitty: Fuck you.
Kitty sleep walked over to her closet and pulled on a pair of shorts.
Kitty: I fuckin hate you.
Me: I really feel the love.
We got into my car and drove to our prison. Kitty fiddled around with the radio. We pulled up to our prison. I climbed out of the car with my back killing me with so much weight I'm carrying. Kitty sleepily climbed out. We walked into the room. A stick thin blonde lady flashed us such a false smile. We sat down on two stools as we looked at all the stick thin people around us.
Kelly: Well let's start with introductions. Your full name, what you will like to be called, a little about yourself.
She pointed a bony manicured finger at Kitty.
Kitty: Well hi I'm KitKat Sarah Curtis.
Everyone: Hiii KitKat.
Kitty glared at everyone.
Kitty: I would like to be called Kitty. Or whatever the fuck you want. I'm 18 years old. I have 3 siblings. Darry he is like twenty something. I really don't know or nor do I care. I have a 19 year old brother Sodapop, and I have a 16 year old brother Ponyboy.
Kelly: So Kitty why are you here?
Kitty: She dragged me here.
Kitty pointed at me. I felt like cracking up.
Me: Hi I'm Samantha Quinn Davis.
Everyone: Hiiiii Samantha.
Kitty cracked up like Samantha was the funniest name she ever heard. I got it legally changed so in your fuckin face Kitty.
Me: I like being called Sandy. I got my name legally changed to that. I'm 19 years old. Uhm yeah I have 5 siblings. Mark is 25, Leah is 21, Lexie is 16, Hannah is 16, and Adam is 16. I also have a daughter, Danielle.
Kelly: Uhm wow. How old were you when you had her?
Me: Uhm I was in my junior year. I was 16.
Kelly: And are you pregnant now?
Me: Yes I'm 3 almost 4 months pregnant with twins.
Kelly: Well congratulations.
I should have said no are you calling me fat bitch? Everyone did their intros.
Kelly: So Sandy why are you here?
Me: I started being bulimic at 15. I was a model I quit as soon as I got pregnant. I did lingerie, bikinis, and normal clothes. I was just pressured to be skinny then became bulimic. I've had a couple of scares before. Like in the hospital. Everyone thought I was going to die.
Kelly: Did you stop being bulimic when you got pregnant?
Me: First or second time?
Kelly: Both.
Me: No.
Kitty didn't say a word. We wrote notes saying that you're beautiful and all of that shit. Kitty drew a drawing of Kelly with a knife in her head. As soon as we were dimissed Kitty sprinted out of the room. I threw her my keys and she bolted to the car. I slumped my tote bag over my shoulder. My dress swayed against my knees. You could barely tell I'm pregnant in this. That lady must have a 6th sense or something. I bumped into a gorgeous guy. Beyond muscular, shaggy hair, and eyes that you fall in love with.
Mike: Shit I'm so sorry.
Me: It's okay really.
He helped me pick up my shit off the floor.
Mike: So what's your name?
Me: Sandy. You?
Mike: Mike. So why are you here?
Me: Bulimics anonymous.
Mike: Oh really? I'm picking my sister up from that right now.
Me: Cool.
Mike: I'm sorry if this sounds too forward or cheesy. But like you're one of the most prettiest girls I've ever laid eyes on. Would you go out with me tonight?
Me: Yeah I'd like that. Here's my number.
Mike: I'll pick you up at 7.
I flashed a smile and skipped away to pissed off Kitty. I dropped Kitty off at her apartment. I went back home spent time with Danielle. Baked cookies. Ate. Slept. I got ready for my date. I searched through my closet and found my light blue strapless dress. It compliments my eyes. :D. I did my make up and flipped my hair. The doorbell rang and I went into Mike's car.
Me: There's something you should know about me.
Mike: What?
Me: I'm pregnant.
Mike: What you mean like you have a boyfriend, fiancee, or husband.
Me: Nope. I mean my married ex knocked me up.
Mike: Listen it's okay. I like you that's all that matters.
We pulled up to the French restaurant. We ordered our food.
Me: So where do you live?
Mike: I just moved from Florida.
Me: Really I lived in Boca. Then Miami.
Mike: Really I lived in Miami too.
I love him. After we ate we kissed. And kissed. And kissed some more. He pulled up to my house.
Mike: I know we only had one date but I really REALLY like you.
Me: Me too.
Mike: Promise me we will do this again tomorrow?
Me: You got my word on that.
I gave him a good night kiss and went into the house. I squealed in delight. I really like him I feel the thing I had with Soda and Sam. And baby it feels soooo good. I think he is the right one for sure.
He is the 4th one the one with the shaggy hair.
Me: God Two-Bit want to interest in a pair of I don't know pants?
Two-Bit: God Sandy ever heard of knocking?
Me: Nah overrated.
I click-clacked into Kitty's bedroom. I shook Kitty.
Me: Get up.
Kitty groaned.
Me: I said get the fuck up.
I started pulling her out of bed. She grabbed onto the metal posts.
Me: Kitty please.
She groaned. I laid down next to her. I pushed her out of bed.
Kitty: You got me I'm up.
Me: Come on get changed.
Kitty: Fuck you.
Kitty sleep walked over to her closet and pulled on a pair of shorts.
Kitty: I fuckin hate you.
Me: I really feel the love.
We got into my car and drove to our prison. Kitty fiddled around with the radio. We pulled up to our prison. I climbed out of the car with my back killing me with so much weight I'm carrying. Kitty sleepily climbed out. We walked into the room. A stick thin blonde lady flashed us such a false smile. We sat down on two stools as we looked at all the stick thin people around us.
Kelly: Well let's start with introductions. Your full name, what you will like to be called, a little about yourself.
She pointed a bony manicured finger at Kitty.
Kitty: Well hi I'm KitKat Sarah Curtis.
Everyone: Hiii KitKat.
Kitty glared at everyone.
Kitty: I would like to be called Kitty. Or whatever the fuck you want. I'm 18 years old. I have 3 siblings. Darry he is like twenty something. I really don't know or nor do I care. I have a 19 year old brother Sodapop, and I have a 16 year old brother Ponyboy.
Kelly: So Kitty why are you here?
Kitty: She dragged me here.
Kitty pointed at me. I felt like cracking up.
Me: Hi I'm Samantha Quinn Davis.
Everyone: Hiiiii Samantha.
Kitty cracked up like Samantha was the funniest name she ever heard. I got it legally changed so in your fuckin face Kitty.
Me: I like being called Sandy. I got my name legally changed to that. I'm 19 years old. Uhm yeah I have 5 siblings. Mark is 25, Leah is 21, Lexie is 16, Hannah is 16, and Adam is 16. I also have a daughter, Danielle.
Kelly: Uhm wow. How old were you when you had her?
Me: Uhm I was in my junior year. I was 16.
Kelly: And are you pregnant now?
Me: Yes I'm 3 almost 4 months pregnant with twins.
Kelly: Well congratulations.
I should have said no are you calling me fat bitch? Everyone did their intros.
Kelly: So Sandy why are you here?
Me: I started being bulimic at 15. I was a model I quit as soon as I got pregnant. I did lingerie, bikinis, and normal clothes. I was just pressured to be skinny then became bulimic. I've had a couple of scares before. Like in the hospital. Everyone thought I was going to die.
Kelly: Did you stop being bulimic when you got pregnant?
Me: First or second time?
Kelly: Both.
Me: No.
Kitty didn't say a word. We wrote notes saying that you're beautiful and all of that shit. Kitty drew a drawing of Kelly with a knife in her head. As soon as we were dimissed Kitty sprinted out of the room. I threw her my keys and she bolted to the car. I slumped my tote bag over my shoulder. My dress swayed against my knees. You could barely tell I'm pregnant in this. That lady must have a 6th sense or something. I bumped into a gorgeous guy. Beyond muscular, shaggy hair, and eyes that you fall in love with.
Mike: Shit I'm so sorry.
Me: It's okay really.
He helped me pick up my shit off the floor.
Mike: So what's your name?
Me: Sandy. You?
Mike: Mike. So why are you here?
Me: Bulimics anonymous.
Mike: Oh really? I'm picking my sister up from that right now.
Me: Cool.
Mike: I'm sorry if this sounds too forward or cheesy. But like you're one of the most prettiest girls I've ever laid eyes on. Would you go out with me tonight?
Me: Yeah I'd like that. Here's my number.
Mike: I'll pick you up at 7.
I flashed a smile and skipped away to pissed off Kitty. I dropped Kitty off at her apartment. I went back home spent time with Danielle. Baked cookies. Ate. Slept. I got ready for my date. I searched through my closet and found my light blue strapless dress. It compliments my eyes. :D. I did my make up and flipped my hair. The doorbell rang and I went into Mike's car.
Me: There's something you should know about me.
Mike: What?
Me: I'm pregnant.
Mike: What you mean like you have a boyfriend, fiancee, or husband.
Me: Nope. I mean my married ex knocked me up.
Mike: Listen it's okay. I like you that's all that matters.
We pulled up to the French restaurant. We ordered our food.
Me: So where do you live?
Mike: I just moved from Florida.
Me: Really I lived in Boca. Then Miami.
Mike: Really I lived in Miami too.
I love him. After we ate we kissed. And kissed. And kissed some more. He pulled up to my house.
Mike: I know we only had one date but I really REALLY like you.
Me: Me too.
Mike: Promise me we will do this again tomorrow?
Me: You got my word on that.
I gave him a good night kiss and went into the house. I squealed in delight. I really like him I feel the thing I had with Soda and Sam. And baby it feels soooo good. I think he is the right one for sure.
He is the 4th one the one with the shaggy hair.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Someone Who Finally Understands
Kitty stared at me. She ran her fingers through her hair. The only sounds there were was the cackling fire.
Me: Kitty come on tell me what's bothering you.
She had her head between her knees. She looked up at me her eyes glowing with tears.
Kitty: I just can't. I can't control it. At first it was just to make myself look better. Now...
Me: You still have an eating disorder?
Kitty: Yes. I weighed 110. Now I weigh 87. My bones are bulging out of my skin. I don't have time to eat. You know I actually want to graduate high school and go to college?
Me: I would know the feeling..
Kitty: Then why didn't you stay in?
I sighed. No one ever talked to me about why I dropped out.
Me: Well I have a daughter. I can't be that big of a multitasker. And I got to the point where a I really didn't give a fuck and b the only reason why I wanted to graduate was in had cheerleading scholarships. Then Danielle came... Hey this isn't my session it's yours.
Kitty: Yeah. I've just been depressed lately. I feel like I have to watch Two-Bit more closely since he cheated on me. With the wedding coming up. I feel pressured to look so fuckin skinny. Love sucks.
She threw a rock into the fire.
Me: You got that right. I've only been in love twice. I broke their hearts. Guys are so
fucking confusing! And if Two-Bit doesn't like the way you look fuck him.
She starred at me blankly. Her mouth wide open.
Kitty: How did you just... stop?
Me: Truth is I never stopped. I try but I can't stop. I didn't become bulimic for Soda. He
thought I looked sexy in his DX shirt or in a pair of ratty sweats. I wish I had a time
machine to just tell me I look beautiful enough. I lived my whole sophomore/ junior year fat.
Kitty you weigh 87 pounds that's not so bad! Heck I weigh even less! Kitty you're beautiful
just the way you are. Don't let an eating disorder stop you from living your life. I let it
rule mine and it's horrible.
Kitty: What don't you understand I'm as worse as you! No matter how picture perfect lives
might seem they are even more fucked up. It's just... UGH!
I took a deep breath as I let Kitty calm herself. I reached into my jacket pocket. I found 2
bottles of pills. Weight gain shit and prenatal shit. I popped 2 of each in my mouth. Kitty
sat there crying.
Kitty: I'm such a fuckin wimp!
She wiped her tears off.
Me: No you're not everyone has to cry.
Kitty: Coming from the girl who cried when she couldn't make a fire and flipped the shit when
I couldn't fix the car. AND you had a crowbar near my head when I couldn't fix the god damn
Me: Hey I have my moments.
Kitty: More like you're a hormonal bitch. You're even worse then Blair.
Me: Is that an insult? If you want to see a hormonal bitch you will see one in 2 seconds when I get that crowbar out.
Kitty laughed.
Kitty: Everyone is excepting me to solve their problems. And I have my own. Two-Bit says
everything is okay between us but it's not. If everything was okay he wouldn't cheat on me. I
don't know if I have second thoughts or whatever.
Me: Hmmmm... Fuck him then we should get married instead. Screw Two-Bit.
Kitty laughed she came over.
Kitty: Okay. Whatever you say. But if we are married I get to be the baby daddy.
I gave her a playful shove. At least she's laughing instead of crying.
Kitty: Just tell me. Why did you become bulimic?
Me: My mom was a manipulative bitch. At 15 she forced me to do modeling. Good bye dark
highlights. She forced all of us to model. Well except Mark and Adam. I had to model normal
clothes, lingerie, and bikinis. At a Victoria's Secret catalog shoot. I was in nothing but a
push up bra and a thong. I had a D chest. Real boobs not the fake ones like all the models
had. I took a bottle of Diet Coke off the table. All the models were making fun of me calling
me fat and shit. Theye even were poking my stomach as if I was the Pillsbury Doughboy. They weighed like 80 pounds. I weighed 110. After that I just started being bulimic. And you can't
just wake up one day and stop. I try to hide that I'm over it because I'm pregnant. And it's
one of the ways I deal with stress. I just found out that the baby is Soda's not Sam's. I went
to the hospital last week and made Doctor Winston do the DNA test. It's Soda's.
Kitty: Well I'm going to become an aunt.
I wanted to bitch slap her. As if I'm happy that I'm pregnant by my ex! I went to the truck and grabbed some of my clothes, my makeup bag, and my hair stuff. I picked out blue and black polka dot pants, white tank top, and black slippers.
Me: How the hell did you sneak into my house with out getting caught? You know we gave guns? And you don't want to see me with one. Cuz I shot Adam in the leg by accident. And I shot Lexie in the foot.
Kitty: Oh it was quite easy. Your brunette sister was with Danielle and I just snuck around the back. I love your room though.
Me: Stalker much?
I grabbed a couple of ugly clothes. For pillows for me and Kitty. We laid down.
Kitty: Do you still love Soda?
Me: I loved him. I have strong feelings for him but I don't love him. I'm the one that broke up with him remember?
Kitty: Yeah... Jelly hates you because Soda left her for you.
Me: Good to know?
I reached into my pocket looking for my phone. No cell service.
Me: What happens if we die out here?
Kitty: Then I died with my wife.
I laughed.
Me: Good night wifey.
Me: Kitty come on tell me what's bothering you.
She had her head between her knees. She looked up at me her eyes glowing with tears.
Kitty: I just can't. I can't control it. At first it was just to make myself look better. Now...
Me: You still have an eating disorder?
Kitty: Yes. I weighed 110. Now I weigh 87. My bones are bulging out of my skin. I don't have time to eat. You know I actually want to graduate high school and go to college?
Me: I would know the feeling..
Kitty: Then why didn't you stay in?
I sighed. No one ever talked to me about why I dropped out.
Me: Well I have a daughter. I can't be that big of a multitasker. And I got to the point where a I really didn't give a fuck and b the only reason why I wanted to graduate was in had cheerleading scholarships. Then Danielle came... Hey this isn't my session it's yours.
Kitty: Yeah. I've just been depressed lately. I feel like I have to watch Two-Bit more closely since he cheated on me. With the wedding coming up. I feel pressured to look so fuckin skinny. Love sucks.
She threw a rock into the fire.
Me: You got that right. I've only been in love twice. I broke their hearts. Guys are so
fucking confusing! And if Two-Bit doesn't like the way you look fuck him.
She starred at me blankly. Her mouth wide open.
Kitty: How did you just... stop?
Me: Truth is I never stopped. I try but I can't stop. I didn't become bulimic for Soda. He
thought I looked sexy in his DX shirt or in a pair of ratty sweats. I wish I had a time
machine to just tell me I look beautiful enough. I lived my whole sophomore/ junior year fat.
Kitty you weigh 87 pounds that's not so bad! Heck I weigh even less! Kitty you're beautiful
just the way you are. Don't let an eating disorder stop you from living your life. I let it
rule mine and it's horrible.
Kitty: What don't you understand I'm as worse as you! No matter how picture perfect lives
might seem they are even more fucked up. It's just... UGH!
I took a deep breath as I let Kitty calm herself. I reached into my jacket pocket. I found 2
bottles of pills. Weight gain shit and prenatal shit. I popped 2 of each in my mouth. Kitty
sat there crying.
Kitty: I'm such a fuckin wimp!
She wiped her tears off.
Me: No you're not everyone has to cry.
Kitty: Coming from the girl who cried when she couldn't make a fire and flipped the shit when
I couldn't fix the car. AND you had a crowbar near my head when I couldn't fix the god damn
Me: Hey I have my moments.
Kitty: More like you're a hormonal bitch. You're even worse then Blair.
Me: Is that an insult? If you want to see a hormonal bitch you will see one in 2 seconds when I get that crowbar out.
Kitty laughed.
Kitty: Everyone is excepting me to solve their problems. And I have my own. Two-Bit says
everything is okay between us but it's not. If everything was okay he wouldn't cheat on me. I
don't know if I have second thoughts or whatever.
Me: Hmmmm... Fuck him then we should get married instead. Screw Two-Bit.
Kitty laughed she came over.
Kitty: Okay. Whatever you say. But if we are married I get to be the baby daddy.
I gave her a playful shove. At least she's laughing instead of crying.
Kitty: Just tell me. Why did you become bulimic?
Me: My mom was a manipulative bitch. At 15 she forced me to do modeling. Good bye dark
highlights. She forced all of us to model. Well except Mark and Adam. I had to model normal
clothes, lingerie, and bikinis. At a Victoria's Secret catalog shoot. I was in nothing but a
push up bra and a thong. I had a D chest. Real boobs not the fake ones like all the models
had. I took a bottle of Diet Coke off the table. All the models were making fun of me calling
me fat and shit. Theye even were poking my stomach as if I was the Pillsbury Doughboy. They weighed like 80 pounds. I weighed 110. After that I just started being bulimic. And you can't
just wake up one day and stop. I try to hide that I'm over it because I'm pregnant. And it's
one of the ways I deal with stress. I just found out that the baby is Soda's not Sam's. I went
to the hospital last week and made Doctor Winston do the DNA test. It's Soda's.
Kitty: Well I'm going to become an aunt.
I wanted to bitch slap her. As if I'm happy that I'm pregnant by my ex! I went to the truck and grabbed some of my clothes, my makeup bag, and my hair stuff. I picked out blue and black polka dot pants, white tank top, and black slippers.
Me: How the hell did you sneak into my house with out getting caught? You know we gave guns? And you don't want to see me with one. Cuz I shot Adam in the leg by accident. And I shot Lexie in the foot.
Kitty: Oh it was quite easy. Your brunette sister was with Danielle and I just snuck around the back. I love your room though.
Me: Stalker much?
I grabbed a couple of ugly clothes. For pillows for me and Kitty. We laid down.
Kitty: Do you still love Soda?
Me: I loved him. I have strong feelings for him but I don't love him. I'm the one that broke up with him remember?
Kitty: Yeah... Jelly hates you because Soda left her for you.
Me: Good to know?
I reached into my pocket looking for my phone. No cell service.
Me: What happens if we die out here?
Kitty: Then I died with my wife.
I laughed.
Me: Good night wifey.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
When You Realize It's Finally Time
Bulimia. Such an ugly word when doctors diagnose you. Not the ones where you had near death experience. And the doc just gave you a playful slap on the wrist and kindly say sweetie you better eat more or else you will die. When you think of Bulimia you think of a fat girl who is insecure about herself and is getting bullied. Not a former model who is pregnant with twins and all ready has a kid. But no when you think your over that stage in life it comes back. Just like that. All from an encounter with a douche bag. -.-
I took a sip of my Vitamin Water 0 finally feeling good about myself. I got a hot date later, Im finally over that bulimia stage, and I got the perfect daughter. Who says a pregnant girl can't go fir a jog? I bent down and tied my shoe lace. I realized I've gone on the wrong side of town.I felt someone breathing on my neck.
Me: What the fuck do you want Sheldon?
Bob: That is no way to speak to your baby daddy.
Me: Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone.
Bob: My my your looking awfully fat. Have you had enough Oreos?
I froze. He doesnt know I'm pregnant. All he knows is Soda and I slept together.
Me: I'm fine.
Bob: No you're not. You're probably stuffing your face at home sobbing at the fact that your
first love is happily married. And from that denial you're going through. You gained some
I couldn't speak. No one has ever called me fat. Snap. Just from that remark my whole world
came tumbling down. I did my first instinct. I caught him by surprise and kneed him in the
balls. He groaned in pain.
Me: You're making a lot of noise for such a big boy with such a small penis.I should know it's
small I slept with you. And since I kiled your dick should your girl name be Booby or
Bobalina. I personally like Booby better because from your physical apperance you have boobs.
You should hit the gym some time.
I jogged off with tears in my eyes. I sprinted through the door. Danielle ran to me I picked
her up twirled her then put her down. I sprinted to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the
mirror. Small baby bump, long natural blonde hair, piercing blue eyes. I know I'm pregnant. I
looked at my naked reflection in the mirror. Im so fat it's gross. I felt that familiar
bubbling feeling in my stomach. I felt one of the twins do something wierd. They are hungry. I
looked at my fat reflection again. They can wait. The bubbling feeling grew there was the
nagging thought in the back of my mind. Simply saying do it do it. I eyed the Robbin egg blue
extra toothbrush. I couldn't resist anymore. I swiped the toothbrush off the counter. I
leaned over the toilet and stuck it down my throat. There it was back to old habits. I wiped
the corner of my mouth. It tasted like the 9 pieces of chicken, truck load of mashed potatoes,
and the rest of dinner I ate. Hold It Against Me blasted from my cellphone. It was Kitty.
Me: Hello?
Kitty just sobbed into the phone. Kitty is the toughest person I know you never see or hear her cry.
Me: Oh Kitty what's wrong?
It was silent.
Kitty: I shouldn't have bothered you...
She hung up. I stared in shock then tried to brush it off. I took a shower. I put Danielle to bed. I went to bed feeling horrible.
The next day I had nothing but water and a little Jack Daniel's. When night time fell I was stressed beyond belief. I went into my drug drawer and smoked pot. Then I went to bed high.
I yawned as I looked at the blue sky. I turned the page in War and Peace. I felt light headed. I caressed my side. I was nothing but bones up until a little bump. I saw my ribs. The powerful feeling overwhelmed me. My world blacked out.
I woke up in the hospital room. Thump thump thump. I heard 3 heartbeats. The babies were okay. There was a million tubes attached to me. Doctor Winston came in instead of Mark.
Dr. Winston: Sandy you weigh almost 72 pounds. We were running tests on you and your unborn children. We looked into your medical files no one officially diagnosed you. You are bulimic. Sandy you need help for this. Look into Eating Disorders Anonymous. If you keep up that diet you will be dead.
I've heard this speech before right after moms funeral. I sighed as the doctor left. I dozed off. The room was dark. A shadow moved. It came closer. And revealed its identity.
Kitty: Come on we are making a prison break.
Forbthe first time in my life I was kidnapped. From onebof my closest friends.
I took a sip of my Vitamin Water 0 finally feeling good about myself. I got a hot date later, Im finally over that bulimia stage, and I got the perfect daughter. Who says a pregnant girl can't go fir a jog? I bent down and tied my shoe lace. I realized I've gone on the wrong side of town.I felt someone breathing on my neck.
Me: What the fuck do you want Sheldon?
Bob: That is no way to speak to your baby daddy.
Me: Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone.
Bob: My my your looking awfully fat. Have you had enough Oreos?
I froze. He doesnt know I'm pregnant. All he knows is Soda and I slept together.
Me: I'm fine.
Bob: No you're not. You're probably stuffing your face at home sobbing at the fact that your
first love is happily married. And from that denial you're going through. You gained some
I couldn't speak. No one has ever called me fat. Snap. Just from that remark my whole world
came tumbling down. I did my first instinct. I caught him by surprise and kneed him in the
balls. He groaned in pain.
Me: You're making a lot of noise for such a big boy with such a small penis.I should know it's
small I slept with you. And since I kiled your dick should your girl name be Booby or
Bobalina. I personally like Booby better because from your physical apperance you have boobs.
You should hit the gym some time.
I jogged off with tears in my eyes. I sprinted through the door. Danielle ran to me I picked
her up twirled her then put her down. I sprinted to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the
mirror. Small baby bump, long natural blonde hair, piercing blue eyes. I know I'm pregnant. I
looked at my naked reflection in the mirror. Im so fat it's gross. I felt that familiar
bubbling feeling in my stomach. I felt one of the twins do something wierd. They are hungry. I
looked at my fat reflection again. They can wait. The bubbling feeling grew there was the
nagging thought in the back of my mind. Simply saying do it do it. I eyed the Robbin egg blue
extra toothbrush. I couldn't resist anymore. I swiped the toothbrush off the counter. I
leaned over the toilet and stuck it down my throat. There it was back to old habits. I wiped
the corner of my mouth. It tasted like the 9 pieces of chicken, truck load of mashed potatoes,
and the rest of dinner I ate. Hold It Against Me blasted from my cellphone. It was Kitty.
Me: Hello?
Kitty just sobbed into the phone. Kitty is the toughest person I know you never see or hear her cry.
Me: Oh Kitty what's wrong?
It was silent.
Kitty: I shouldn't have bothered you...
She hung up. I stared in shock then tried to brush it off. I took a shower. I put Danielle to bed. I went to bed feeling horrible.
The next day I had nothing but water and a little Jack Daniel's. When night time fell I was stressed beyond belief. I went into my drug drawer and smoked pot. Then I went to bed high.
I yawned as I looked at the blue sky. I turned the page in War and Peace. I felt light headed. I caressed my side. I was nothing but bones up until a little bump. I saw my ribs. The powerful feeling overwhelmed me. My world blacked out.
I woke up in the hospital room. Thump thump thump. I heard 3 heartbeats. The babies were okay. There was a million tubes attached to me. Doctor Winston came in instead of Mark.
Dr. Winston: Sandy you weigh almost 72 pounds. We were running tests on you and your unborn children. We looked into your medical files no one officially diagnosed you. You are bulimic. Sandy you need help for this. Look into Eating Disorders Anonymous. If you keep up that diet you will be dead.
I've heard this speech before right after moms funeral. I sighed as the doctor left. I dozed off. The room was dark. A shadow moved. It came closer. And revealed its identity.
Kitty: Come on we are making a prison break.
Forbthe first time in my life I was kidnapped. From onebof my closest friends.
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