Sunday, May 15, 2011

Everyone Has To Do It Sometime Or Later

He held my hand as the doctor applied that goo shit on my stomach.
Me: Please don't get it on my shirt this is a vintage Ralph Lauren.
Kitty laughed in the corner playing on the wheely chair.
Kitty: That's all you care about really?
Me: Shut up.
It appeared on the screen two tiny babies.
Doctor: You're having twin girls.
I smiled and wondered to myself if they were identical or fraternal. Kitty squealed in delight.
Kitty: Before you give them up name one of them Kitty please.
Me: Be lucky you can see them before I give them away.
Kitty stood there silently.
Mike: I bet they 're going to be beautiful just like you.
He kissed me.
Kitty: Seriously keep your hormones to yourself!
I slapped Kitty and she gave me the finger. I wiped off the stuff off my stomach and walked out of the room. Kitty insisted on coming because she wants one of them to be her minion -.- Kitty climbed into Soda's truck and blew me a kiss goodbye. We got into my crappy Volvo. Mike was silent it was pretty unusual. The sky cackled then it started pouring rain. Mike kept his eyes on his road.
Me: What's wrong?
Mike: What's wrong? Seriously? Sandy I can't keep on pretending that everything's okay. Like that it's my baby that you're carrying. And you're so careless about it!
He pulled up to the house and made his way to get in. I stood at the doorway.
Me: Leave.
Mike: Why?
Me: I love you and I don't deserve to be treated like crap.
Mike: Sandy..
Me: Leave! How can you go from insulting me and then trying to make everything okay?!?
With that note he left. Mascara poured down my cheeks I watched him leave his head down. And I saw he was crying. I wanted to yell don't leave. I went to the liquor cabinet and figured out the lock combo. Mark's birthday. 8-13-85. I got out my emergency bottle of Whiskey. I got out a glass and then Lexie came and snatched it away. I sulked to my room. I miss his sense of humor, I miss his eyes, I miss everything about him. I love him so why aren't I getting my man? I fell asleep and I realized I was still in my clothes. The clock said it was 2 am. I put my hair into a ponytail wiped away my tears and botled out the door. I knew he would be at the park near the pond. I sprinted down. I saw him sitting there his hands burried in his face.
Me: Mike.
He looked up at me and got up. I ran to him and my white drenched sundress soaked and see through splashing me.
Me: Why did you start this do you not love me anymore?
Mike: Are you kidding? I'm in love with you completely in love with you.
Me: Then why did you act like a dick?!
Mike: I don't know I was just fed up that...
Me: What?
Mike: Nothing.
Me: Say it!
Mike: Okay! I'm fed up that you're not carrying my baby! I wish it's mine. Sandy I can't believe you would think for a second that I would ever fall out of love with you I'm completely in love with you.
I went closer to him he kissed me as the rain poured down. He kissed me and kissed me.
Me: I don't want to fight ever again.
He picked me up still kissing me and I wrapped my legs around his waist and we went home. Lexie and Adam were still awake as Mike slammed the door open. I ripped off his sweatshirt and we went upstairs our clothes falling off in the process.

I heard the door open. My voice hurt like a mother fucker. My hair was soaking wet Mike smiled at me.
Me: Shit I told Kitty she could come over today.
I handed him a pair of Mark's tee-shirts and basketball shorts. He got out of the room and Kitty said hi. I put on a robe and dried my hair. Kitty came up and held my damp dress and my bra.
Kitty: Care to explain?
Me: Not really.
Kitty: Let me guess you two had a fight then you had makeup sex.
Me: Pretty much.
Kitty: Wow.
Me: Shut up.
Kitty: Here I will let you take a shower because your hair looks like a rats nest after the wild makeup sex you had.
Me: Thanks.
I gave her the finger behind my back. I got changed afterwards and felt sudden relief that Danielle was sleeping over at Mark's.
Kitty: Was it good sex?
Me: Kitty!
Kitty: Answer the question.
Me: Well it was makeup sex...
Kitty: Are you kidding me? Two-Bit and I fight all the time and the makeup sex is the best. I mean whoa.
Me: Wow. So your question is answered.
I made my bed and Kitty sat on my white egg chair.
Me: Seriously your not going on my bed? It's made.
Kitty: You just had sex and I'm not touching those sheets.
I threw a pillow at Kitty. She grabbed the remote and flipped through the DVR.
Kitty: Seriously all you have is Glee, Jersey Shore, The Vampire Diaries, and Real World Las Vegas.
Me: Too bad.
Kitty: I need a drink.
Me: Look on my closet shelf I have a bottle of Tequila there.
She tried to reach for it being careful not to fall in her heels. Then an envelope fell down. Kitty picked it up.
Kitty: Two tickets to New York, May 14h.
Me: That's today!
Kitty: 2 tickets to the Yankees V.S Red Sox.
Me: Oh my God.
Kitty picked up a piece of folded paper.
Kitty: Ideas to propose: on the jumbotron, romantic night.
I nearly passed out. Kitty continued to look for her Tequila. Then a black velvet box fell. Kitty picked it up.
Kitty: Damn 2 weeks you two are getting married. Damn. After 2 weeks me and Two-Bit just had sex you two must really love eachother.
I stood in shock. Kitty opened up the box and there laid the most beautiful ring I ever laid eyes on.

Kitty squealed. Then Kitty found the Tequila.
Kitty: I will drink to this.
She took a swing of it and put it back. After an hour of watching Glee and me being in shock Kitty left. Mike came back. And I put the box and everything else back.
Mike: I found the house that we saw a couple of days ago for a decent price. Want to buy it?
Me: Yeah yeah sure.
Mike: Okay because I already called the real-estate agent and it's ours.
He threw me the keys. It's too much am I ready for this? He is the one...
Mike: And I got you a present. 2 tickets to New York up until Wednseday and Yankees V.S Red Sox tickets.
Me: Thanks.
I kissed him. His breath everything about him. I'm ready for this commitment. Danielle came home and I kissed her as I was packing. I put most of my shit into boxes being ready to move out. I took Danielle for a drive to our house. Danielle was in shock at how big it was to her.
Mike claims he is middle class but he is upper middle class since he can afford our new house. Danielle went running inside and was so happy. I took her to her room. The pink walls made her melt into a puddle. I took her back and kissed her goodbye. Mike and I went to the airport. The flight was mostly us making out. And me barfing half the flight. Thank God the doctor said the morning sickness goes away next month. I looked at the amazing city. We landed then I barfed again as Mike held my hair. We got to our hotel, the W hotel! Mike gave me the key and I ran up to the hotel room. It was absolutely gorgeous.
Then Mike suggested we try the bed out ;). It was nearly 6 pm and we had to go to the game. I got on my Mark Texiera jersey with a flimsy white camisole, jeggings, and 5 inch navy blue wedges. Mike and I rode the subway talk about scary. We got to the Bronx and we got to our seats in mid-field. I yelled at the Red Sox calling them dirty fuckers. The Yankees were losing so Mike and I started making out. They did the kiss cam and Mike and I did a GREAT kiss for them. Then I looked at the screen snuggling next to Mike. Then it said Sandy I love you and everything about you. You think you're the opposite of perfect while I think you're absolutely perfect. I love everything about you. I never loved anyone as much as you in my whole life. I can't imagine a day without you. Will you marry me? Mike was gone and he was on one knee I stood up.
Mike: Will you marry me?
<3333 Sandy


Kitty Curtis said...

oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 post bitch! i love hearing about ur life!

Sandy said...

<333 if you haven't realized I'm just that amazing?

Angela Shepard said...


Sandy said...

Tsk tsk tsk seriously the Red Sox most defintally absolutely suck. I say that with love <3.