Me: Stop I told you.
Mike: Aww but you look so sexy.
Me: Do you see my tramp stamp? It's all about the teasing and not about the pleasing.
Mike frowned and got out of bed. As I fixed my shorts my phone blasted the Lazy Song my voicemail song. I got my password and I listened to my voicemail.
Molly: Hi this is Molly Hartgers and I saw in Tulsa Adoption Agency you're interested in having an open adoption. And you're pregnant with twin girls. Me and my husband Brad will love for you and whoever to come over it's 224 River Side Road. It's on the south side. So please call me back as soon as possible.
My face froze I didn't know it would happen this soon. Mike and I are already choosing names that we both like. It's just too soon. Mike was already out of the room. I nervously dialed the number.
Molly: Hello?
Me: Hi I'm Sandy Davis you uhm called me before.
Molly: Oh yes I did hi.
Me: Hi.
Molly: I would love to talk to you I don't know if you have other couples to interview but can you please come over today?
Me: Yeah sure.
Molly: Do you want to bring a boyfriend if you have one?
Me: Yeah I'll bring my fiancee Mike and I'm going to have to bring my daughter.
Molly: I thought you would bring your daughter like every where you go.
Me: Uhm no I already have a 2 year old daughter.
Molly: And how old are you?
Me: I just turned 19 last month.
Molly: Oh wow you're young.
Me: Yeah I guess but today will be perfect.
Molly: What time is convient for you?
Me: I guess in half an hour.
Molly: Great we'll see you then.
Mike came in the room finishing off his 3rd poptart.
Mike: Who was on the phone?
Me: Someone interested in adopting the twins.
Mike: I think we should name them before we give them away.
Me: Yeah I would want to too. We still have to decide on names though.
Mike: Come on Regan is such a good name.
Me: I told you I'll think about it.
Mike: Come on.
I kissed him to shut him up.
Mike: You hungry?
Me: Starving I had the weirdest craving last night so I had to do it myself that's upsetting.
Mike: What was it?
Me: Pretzel M&M's wrapped in bacon.
Mike: That is pretty weird.
Me: Yeah but I'm gonna eat.
I skipped downstairs and ate 6 S'mores Poptarts. There's 2 in each package so techinically I had 12. :/ Mike was sitting in a towel and I ignored my hormones and got in the shower. Mike was dressed when I got out. I put on a black pencil skirt with a white silk tanktop. I put on white slingbacks and put in pearl studs with a pearl necklace. I did my makeup then put in my black Chanel headband. I gotta look presentable. I went to see Danielle. She wasn't in her bed. My heart was beating so fast. I looked in the downstairs bathroom and there was Lexie in her string bikini with Danielle. Danielle waved at me. I laughed then did finished my makeup. I looked in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable. That outfit really focused on my baby bump. Lexie brought Danielle up to me. I looked at Danielle. Her naturally straight hair had a velvet headband. She had on her favorite shirt: a pink bedazzled shirt that says Mommy's Princess. Then she had on a light blue skirt with baby blue sneakers. Mike had on a collared shirt and khaki's. I picked Danielle up and brought her to the car. We drove off. I put on Pretending the new Glee song xD.
Mike: I know you're nervous and might have second thoughts about giving them away.
I raised the volume higher.
Mike turned it off.
I lost it.
Me: Okay! I'm scared shitless. I don't know if I want to give them up I do then don't. I'll only see their shining faces occasionally. I don't want to be like the normal teen whore. Who gives up their kid then doesn't give a fuck after then continues on with their life.
I sniffled.
Mike: Hey listen it's gonna be okay we'll see them.
Me: And I'm getting fatter look at this.
I pulled up my shirt.
Mike: It's called being pregnant.
He put his hand on it.
Mike: You feel that I feel one of their heads.
I didn't believe him and put my hand on it.
Me: It is.
Mike: It's gonna be okay.
Me: I decided one of them is going to be Regan.
Mike: What about the middle name?
Me: Well Kitty wants her name to be somehow involved so her middle name will be Sarah.
Mike: What about the other one?
Me: I like Blake and Bailey.
Mike: Yeah.
Mike pulled up to the house. It was legit the biggest house I've ever seen even bigger than Nicole's.

Mike: You could say that again.
I got sleeping Danielle out of the car. And balanced her on my hip.
A redish girl answered the door. She has a perfect complexion, to die for wardrobe, and not an ounce of fat on her.
Me: Are you Molly?
Molly: Yes come in. Brad they're here!
I walked in Mike's hand was still wrapped around mine. A man walked in.
Brad: Hi I'm Brad.
Me: Sandy this is my fiance Mike and my daughter Danielle.
Brad: Nice to meet you all.
He smiled and Molly led us to the coach.
Molly folded her hands. Danielle was asleep on my lap. Mike had his arm around me.
Me: So why did you bring us here today?
Molly: We're interested in having an open adoption with you.
Mike: Not to be rude or anything but why can't you have kids on your own.
I slapped Mike.
Molly: We had trouble.... concieving. I suffered 3 miscarriages. So we went to a doctor and learned that I am physically unable to concieve children. I've always wanted to. We want to. But it just broke our hearts. It's the one thing we both wanted. Some people can have kids without trying. And I'm so jealous of them.
I shifted in my seat.
Me: That's horrible to hear.
Molly: Yeah. So can we hear a little about you?
Me: Sure. I just turned 19 last month. I have Danielle here she is 2. I was the captain of the varsity cheerleading team, and varsity dance team. I dropped out of highschool to raise Danielle. I had full paid scholarships for cheerleading and dance but I didn't accept because of Danielle. I was born and raised in Tulsa. I moved to Florida for 2 years with my grandparents because my parents weren't exactally fond of having a pregnant daughter. And my ex Sodapop wanted us to get married and they perfered me moving to Florida then getting married at 16.
Molly: I thought you were 17 when you had her.
Me: No. I got pregnant with her in June then I had her in January before I turned 17.
Molly: Oh wow.
Me: Yeah. Oh yeah here are ultrasounds of them if you want.
Molly held the ultrasound and started tearing up.
Brad: Do you know who you want to be the parents?
Me: Most defintally you guys. But we have one condition.
Molly: What money?
Me: Uhm no I want to name them since they are technically mine.
Molly: Sure what names do you have in mind?
Me: Regan.
Molly: Sure.
Me: Okay.
Molly: When are they due?
Me: November 9th.
Molly: How has your pregnancy been so far?
Me: One of them is laying weird but the doctor said it's perfectally normal and it's actually good because they aren't laying on top of each other. I've been getting really weird cravings, my feet are so swollen, I have the worst back pain, the worst mood swings, and I'm really big for 16 weeks.
Molly: Well we'll be here for you no matter what.
Me: Wow thanks.
Molly: No problem.
Danielle was starting to wake up in my lap. She smiled at Mike and reached out for him. Molly smiled at Danielle.
Molly: Can I hold her?
Me: Uhm sure.
She held Danielle as the look on Danielle's face simply said who the fuck is this nut job?! Danielle didn't complain she liked the attention.
Me: Is there any deals you guys want to make?
Molly: We want to go to all of the doctor appointments.
Me: Sure. Is that it?
Molly: Yeah.
Me: I should get going sorry it was nice meeting you two.
I got Danielle and Mike held my free hand as we walked to the car. Mike started driving.
Mike: What do you think of her as potential parents?
Me: I think they are going to have a pretty good life all they ever wanted was a child of their own. Now they get two blonde little girls.
Mike: How do you know they're going to be blonde? Soda has brown hair.
Me: I just know they're going to be blonde. Can we go back home I want to change.
Mike: Sure.
I pranced in the house and got changed into a light blue sundress. I looked in the mirror and I completly lost it. I lifted up my dress and looked at my baby bump.
I was crying hysterically and couldn't get a hold of myself. Mike came running up.
Mike: What's wrong?
Me: I'm fat! I keep on getting bigger and bigger. And after that I don't know if I want to give them up. They will grow up as Soc's and think their mom is a no good low class whore. I can't live like this.
Mike held me as I cried.
Me: And I'm ugly my babies will be ugly.
Mike: You're beautiful and they will be.
I cried harder. After 20 minutes of Mike consoling me I felt a sharp pain in my back. I know this pain. It's not I'm too fat pain it's oh shit it's coming pain. I screamed as another one came.
Mike: What's wrong?
I couldn't breath.
Me: I'm having a fuckin contraction.
Mike: You're having them this early?
Me: I can't! They'll die right away their lungs aren't developed yet.
Then another one came.
Mike: We have to do something.
Me: Yeah like what?
Another one came it hurt so bad.
Me: Call Mark and tell him to come over here now.
He dialed Mark and explained the whole thing. As we waited for Mark to come over tears were spilling down my cheeks from the unbearable pain. Mark came to my room breathless.
Mark: What happened?
Me: I started getting contractions.
Mark: You're only 17 weeks pregnant.
Me: No shit sherlock.
Mark: We have to go to the hospital. Did your water break?
Me: No.
Mark: Okay that means they're not coming but something is defintally up.
He helped me up. Another one came.
Me: I want mom.
Mark didn't look at me. He knows when I'm in so much pain I always ask for mom.
Mark: She's not around anymore.
Me: I need drugs to stop the pain then.
Mark: Sandy you're not giving birth for another 5 months. You can't have drugs.
He helped me in the car. As Mike nervously stayed at the house looking after Danielle. Mark sped to the hospital as I squeezed his free hand. Mark parked and we quickly got into the hospital. He talked to his other doctors and he got me a room. They ran blood tests and urine tests. Mark came in and the contractions had stopped by then.
Me: What's wrong with me?
Mark: You were having braxton hick's contractions.
Me: And you think I know what the fuck that means?
Mark: It pretty much means your uterus is preparing to have the babies. It's flexing and it's painful as you just experienced. But they don't last very long. You should get them occasionally because your body isn't used to having twins.
Me: So what should I do for the pain?
Mark: Lay down drink lots of fluid and relax.
Me: You sure it will work?
Mark: It defintally will.
Me: Thanks.
Mark: Well you got really..... bigger since the last time I saw you.
Me: Yeah I know.
Mark: It's normal. Remember how big mom was with the triplets?
Me: Yeah she couldn't even fit in the doorway.
Mark pushed a stray hair away from my face.
Mark: I know it's hard but you'll get through it. Do you want to run an ultrasound?
Me: Not really.
Mark: Sandy they're in perfect health.
Me: Good. I gotta go see Mike and Danielle.
Mark: Wait are you actually happy with him?
Me: Yeah. Most defintally.
Mark: Do you miss Sam?
Me: I gotta go.
As I got in the car I realized I DO miss him. And I'm not ready for this commitment with a guy I barely know. I need time to think. I texted Leah.
Me: can u look after danielle 4 a little bit???
Leah: how long?
Me: idk. plz.
Leah: fine im coming to get her now.
I got in the house and snuck through the backdoor to not get noticed. I packed a duffle bag I kissed Danielle goodbye. And wrote a quick note: I'm confused I need time to think. Then I laid my engagement ring on top and sprinted out the door. I scrolled through my contacts and called him.
Sam: Sandy?
Me: Can I come over?
Sam: Of course.
Then I drove like crazy to Sam's penthouse. He opened up the door and smiled at me without hesitation I looked in his turquoise eyes. I kissed him then he kissed me back then we couldn't stop and found our way to the couch.
:/ Sandy
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