I found out who I slept with the other day. It was my ex. I'm still trying to move on. I laid on my bed. Crying into a pillow. I drank 23 shots. If I drink 9 or more I'm completely wasted. I drank all type of liquor. I was depressed I just broke up with the love of my life. My phone buzzed. Freakin calendar appointment. I opened it. One word. One word can ruin your life all over again. It said Period. Oh shit am I late? I cried harder. Oh God I can't be pregnant! With my exe's kid! Sam and I used condoms. SHIT! There's only one option to do. I dialed his number.
Soda: Hello?
It sounded like he was crying. For feeling like a man whore. But he doesn't have to go through hell.
Me: Hi it's Sandy.
Soda: H-hi.
Me: We might have a problem.
Soda: What is it?
Me: Uhm did you sleep with me last week? Because Steve told me I had a I'm A Single Bitch Party. I was beyond wasted. Guys did body shots off me. I drank 23 shots, a whole bottle of champane. and 13 bottles of beer.
He made crying sounds. It was last week for God's sake.
Soda: Ya.
I cried so hard.
Me: Did you use protection?
Soda: No.
I cried harder.
Soda: Did you miss your uhm period?
Me: Yes. It is freakin 5 days late!
Soda: Shit I'm fucked. I knocked up 2 fuckin girls.
Me: Why are you making this about you?! Have you thought about I have a 2 year old, I'm battling bulimia, and I don't have a boyfriend. I can't go through another pregnancy.
Soda: Can you come over?
Me: Ya.
I took a shower. I put on jeans and a cardigan. I ran over to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test. I drove over to his house. Feeling like the biggest slut in the world. He answered the door looking like a fuckin mess. I walked in. He noticed the pregnancy test. I just got offered a ballet teacher job. And a gymnastics teacher job. Can't do that knocked up.
Me: Why did you sleep with me?
Soda: I thought you were my-my wife. I had a lot to drink and you were really hot.
He cried.
Me: Have you thought about the consequences for me? I got offered a high paid jobs. A ballet teacher and a gymnastics teacher. I'm just barely surriving raising me and Danielle. I had help from my grandparents. You think Bob wanted to help raise her? NO!
Soda: Please just take the test.
I went to the bathroom and took the three tests in the box. I waited three minutes which seemed like a decade. Soda came in. On all three tests it read one word that made us both cry. PREGNANT. I found a Greaser that I actually liked. He will remain nameless. It's not Soda!
Me: How am I supposed to raise 2 kids?
I blubbered. My dad was right I'm a slut who couldn't keep her legs closed. He didn't answer he just cried. Now he was 2 kids on the way.
Me: I'm making an appointment with the doctor to legit find out if I'm pregnant. I'm not trusting a pee-test.
We drove to the doctor. I laid down on the chair while he applied the goo-shit. He felt around for the baby's heart beat.
Doctor Winston: Aha there it is. Congratulations you're having a baby.
We drove home in tears. I have a school girl crush on his best friend. Who is single. I went home and cried I held Danielle against my chest. One thought ran through my mind FUCK MY LIFE I'M A SLUT NOW HE WILL NEVER WANT TO BE WITH ME. And I know he thinks I'm hot. He wouldn't want a slut.
:'( Sandy The Slut
Oh my god, what the hell are you guys gonna do!?!?!
idk I'm freaking out :'(
Your not a slut. You were drunk. I don't know what to say but you and soda both aren't in good situations maybe if you decide to have the kid you should consider adoption :/
I don't know if what I'm about to tell you will be good news or not, but here it goes anyway. You know that people with eating disorders are most likely to be infertile which means you have a greater chance of losing the baby. Just poiting that out. Hang in there.
one word- abortion
ya you think I could really afford abortion? it's only 5,000 dollars. I would rather for someone to just reach in and grab it I can't afford it
its free
one word-asshole. dal! killing babies is wrong!!! -.- i mean it's a bad situation yea but would you wanna be killed!?!? didn't think so! and if kitty is right...wich she is ALL the time then you might not have the baby :/ idk if that's good or bad. but if you do have it...i'd go for adoption..hang in there!
thanks I'm looking into abortion though. I really can't raise a two year old and a newborn on my own without child support. And Dally seriously? In what world is it free I looked into everything it is 5 grand. But if I have an abortion I'm afraid of the risks. Like what happens if they mess up and I could never have kids. I want to get married and have kids that are planned. God my life sucks. I'm thinking adoption is the right way to go
Sandy your not a slut. But your right, raising two kids is hard. I have no idea how I'm going to do it. Whatever you choose to do, I'm here for you
Blair you have Dally to help you raise them. I have no one. I don't even have a boyfriend :( I'M THE BIGGEST SLUT IN THE WORLD if I'm not a slut then why is it my second time getting knocked up by another guy? Face it everyone knows I'm a skanky little hoe. Bye I'm going to go eat some chocolate. And I'm going to the ballet studio if anyone wants to find me I will be at the ballet studio doing the one thing I'm good at and not a hoe at
YOU HAVE US :D and believe me we're better than dally :P
and arent there like financial aid waivers you can apply for?
yeah the whole gang will help me raise 2 kids :P
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